
Guangdong Hongming Intelligent Joint Stock Co.,Ltd

HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine
HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine
  • Commodity name:

    HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine
  • Shelf time:

    2024-08-24 16:55:40
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  • HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine product introductionHM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine, it's one semi-automatic equipmentfor Hinged neck rigid box assemblyThe machine
  • Details of the product

HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine product introduction

HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine, it's one semi-automatic equipment
for Hinged neck rigid box assembly
The machine adopts two conveyor belts to transport the top and bottom box
respectively, the topand bottom box positioning respectively, and then combine together;
the roller brush hinged-neck side paper, and then send the box working mode. The
operation is simple, stable and efficient, the whole machine is controlled by PLC, and the
working parameters are set by touch screen.

HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine unit features and standard equipment

1. Machine have double delivery line working mode, one is for top box delivery line, the other is
for bottom box delivery line;
2. Station one : bottom box position calibration;
3. Station two: top box position calibration;
4. Station three: Top and Box combine together, than brush the hinged-neck side paper, then
delivery out;
5. The whole machine adopts PLC automatic control, and the touch screen human-machine
interface sets working parameters;

The main technical parameters of HM-TZ420 Hinged Neck Rigid Box Assembly Machine


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